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Nurturing a Caring Culture: The Key to Organizational Success!

By Conduit

A 2019 EY Belong Barometer study found that over 40% of U.S. respondents reported feeling physically and emotionally isolated in the workplace. This feeling crossed generational, gender, and ethnic lines. Creating a caring workplace is essential for establishing an environment where employees feel valued and supported. But how can this be achieved? It requires intentional effort; such an environment doesn’t just develop on its own. In 1982, Patterson & Dewar Engineers (P&D) had two young…

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Holistic Cybersecurity Framework: The Key to Comprehensive Protection

By Conduit

Cyberattacks on the electrical sector are becoming part of everyday life. The tools the attackers use are increasingly becoming more sophisticated. Industrial systems are now as much affected by cyber threats as traditional IT enterprise systems. The attackers often aim to disrupt operations by stealing intellectual property and blocking access to data for ransom. Many of the devices used today were designed in an era where the idea of an attacker persistently trying to penetrate…

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Safety: A 360-Degree Perspective

By Conduit

In high-risk environments, ensuring safety isn’t just a response to problems; it’s about staying ahead of potential issues. Safety is a 360° effort that involves leadership, work routines, attitudes, and the unexpected. It’s about taking proactive steps to keep people and businesses safe. Factors that Influence Safety We are often influenced by numerous factors when performing specific tasks. Recognizing and addressing these influences is essential to help our team members work safely. Environmental elements –…

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High & Dry – Soil Impacts on Grounding

By Conduit
In the 21st century, large portions of the U.S. are becoming more drought-prone. An estimated 53 million people (about twice the population of Texas) are living in drought-affected areas.”  This escalating drought situation necessitates that electric utilities account for these changing conditions at existing sites and design future substations that will remain within the site safety criteria specified in the IEEE standards. According to NASA, more than 93 percent of the land area in Utah,...
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Bring on the Heat: Getting the Cooling Closer to IT Equipment

By Conduit

The data center industry is exploring the benefits of bringing liquid cooling systems closer to the heat load (IT equipment) as opposed to the prevalent air-cooled systems. There is a growing interest in the industry to implement these new systems on a larger scale. Although our interactions with these systems have been on a small scale, our experience with multiple projects where this approach was implemented has provided valuable insights into the challenges and considerations for…

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Replacing Aging Relays – Case Studies

By Conduit

Previously, we wrote about the need to replace aging electronic relays as they reach their end-of-life. Affected facility owners have an opportunity to choose from a wide variety of replacement alternatives. The new relay selection process can be daunting as the market is flooded with devices that offer a wide range of features. Because of the level of complexity, many owners hire third-party consultants to assist with selection, testing, and installation. As a consultant and…

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Hood Patterson & Dewar Named 2023 Commissioning Giant

By Conduit
We are pleased to announce that Hood Patterson & Dewar is in the top tier of the 25 firms recognized on the Consulting-Specifying Engineer’s 2023 Commissioning Giants list for the fifth consecutive year. “We are proud to receive this recognition as it is a testament to the unwavering faith our clients have in us,” said Mike Bryan, President and CEO. “Our success is a direct result of the dedication and hard work of our exceptional team, coupled...
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Substation Safety – Are You Rock Solid?

By Conduit
Substation design typically calls for 2-6” of aggregate (crushed rock) as a top layer upon completion of construction. This layer serves several purposes, including improved vehicle access, reduced erosion, and suppression of vegetation. Another significant function of this layer is to provide personnel safety by increasing the allowed (maximum permissible) touch and step potential values versus native soil. When the aggregate becomes a critical part of the site’s safety, knowledge of the aggregate’s composition and...
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Pre-Commissioning Readiness – The Missing Piece of the Puzzle

By Conduit
Quality installation is the goal for all construction projects – especially data centers. Today’s construction environment has created a perfect storm of obstacles to the quality goal: complex equipment and systems, numerous equipment vendors, skill disparity, speed of construction, equipment delays, and a constant squeeze on prices and margins. On many projects, these challenges create a gap in the quality process that, if unaddressed, leads to a less-than-desirable outcome. The solution to this gap is...
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QA/QC – It’s More than a Checklist

By Conduit
Mechanical and electrical Quality Assurance and Quality Control (QA/QC) play a significant role in today’s data center construction. Coordinating all design, construction, installation, and start-up efforts in any project involving multiple trades and interests is challenging due to differences in participant philosophies and overall approaches. While this role was not essential in the past, the schedule, size, and complexity of today’s facilities mean QA/QC is necessary to keep projects on time and on budget. The...
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